Announcement of 29 November 2022
11 Associations and over 400 teams: it’s already a record for the Run4Rome solidarity relay race
With four months to go until the start of Run Rome The Marathon, there is euphoria over the team registrations of the Run4Rome relay thanks to the commitment of 11 non-profit associations that believed in the charity programme. Those who run will do so, above all, out of solidarity
ROME – Eleven non-profit associations have already joined and embraced the Run4Rome charity project, the solidarity relay race linked to Run Rome The Marathon, the great international marathon to be held in Rome on Sunday, 19 March 2023.
Four months to go, and there is already talk of a new record: to date, the total of 400 registered teams that took part in the previous edition last March has already been surpassed. The win-win, in this case, is for everyone; the bottom line is about giving.
Marathon, relay, cross-city Fun Run, the most popular sporting event in Italy. More than 30,000 people will pass under the starting arch on the Imperial Forum and, after traversing the eternal streets of Rome, will return to the finish line between the Colosseum and Circus Maximus. In between, an exceptional journey that takes you past more than 30 of the world’s most famous monuments, such as the Pyramid of Cestius, St Peter’s-Vatican City, Castel Sant’Angelo, the delightful kilometres along the Lungotevere, Piazza del Popolo, Piazza di Spagna, Piazza Navona and much more.
THE ASSOCIATIONS – To all the associations, we would like to give a big round of applause for the effort they make all year round in pursuing and achieving their goals devoted to important social issues, but also a thank you for believing in the solidarity project of Run Rome The Marathon. It is no longer exclusively Run4Rome Relay, because so many people chose to attend and participate, we can extend the possibility of also donating to the cross-city Fun Run and the marathon.
To date, the following are present: La Stella di Lorenzo Onlus, Fondazione Sport City, Airc, Sport Senza Frontiere Onlus, Ey Foundation, Il mondo di Matteo Onlus, Rotary Distretto 2080, Fondazione Maratona Alzheimer, Banco Alimentare Roma, Fondazione Operation Smile Italia Ets and Fondazione Telethon ETS.
NEW ASSOCIATIONS – The large family of Run Rome The Marathon is ready to embrace many other non-profit associations that would like to participate and experience the excitement of this magnificent solidarity and sporting event. For more information, just write to
SINGLE REGISTRATION – Teams already formed for the Run4Rome Relay can choose to register via one of the participating charities or directly from the event’s registration page.
The big news this year is that individuals can also register. The donation is already included in their registration fee. In this case, those who do not have a team but have the dream of participating can register, and the organisation will find them three teammates to form a new team and make new friends.
WHAT IS THE RELAY – Relay Run4Rome means running, or walking, the entire 42.195km marathon route divided into four stages, one for each team member. Of course, overall, the goal of each team is the finish line, but being there means, above all, doing good for yourself and doing good for others by feeling like true marathon runners. Like every marathon runner, it will be an opportunity to experience high spirits and strong emotions. More than ever, there will be plenty of cheering and music along the route and at the exchange points.
Relay Run4Rome is about supporting the non-profits that have joined our project and collectively believing in an ethical, social, concrete project. Solidarity, freedom, friendship, well-being, and team spirit have always been the five key words of the Run4Rome relay.
FOR EVERYONE – Run4Rome will allow beginners, walkers, and athletes in general to be the stars of the show and enjoy a day that is both healthy and fun. The dream of running and crossing the finish line of a major international marathon can become a reality. The team must consist of 4 people and run the 4 planned stages of 13km, 11.8km, 7.2km and the last, grand finale, 10.195 km, for a total of 42.195 km. The registration fee is freely determined by each non-profit organisation: it is not a simple registration fee, in fact, but a real donation to one of the many projects that you can choose to support.
Cesare Monetti
Run Rome The Marathon Press Office